

If you need a car in the context of your functions at CERN, contact the IT Secretariat who will take care of any actions concerning the Car Pool (change of category, change of user, cancellation if no more need, etc.)

Operational Circular No 4

Car Pool Rules

Users are reminded that they have to follow a few simple rules in order to user these cars efficiently.

  • To have the licence CERN ‘V’ Access request
  • Priority for using an IT Car Pool car has to be given to people who have to transport materials and for the staff authorized to intervene at Safe host.

  • Thank you for parking the car on its reserved yellow place (panel with license plate). See pictures below.

  • If you discover anything wrong with the car, please drive it to the Car Service in Building 130 to get the problem fixed. Please tell the operators that you have done so.


Please see SCE website for the full procedure. See the pictures above to find where the cars are parked (green places).


Please see SCE website for the full procedure. Please note that CERN bicycles will be charged at the rate of 1 CHF per day from 1 June to 30 September (except for Summer students).


All the information concerning the CERN Shuttle is available on the SCE website