Paper Archive
The CERN administration now works fully with electronic document authorization procedures. Hence, there is no longer a need to maintain Departmental archives of such recent or newly-created material.
However if there is old printed material which should be archived, IT does maintain dedicated space in building 513. Contact the Departemental Records Officer (Jean-Yves Le Meur) to add material to this archive.
For reasons of confidentiality, printed copies of certain material should be properly destroyed and disposed of when they no longer serve as copies for on-going work. Material of historical scientific interest will be taken care of by the CERN central archivist. Personnel concerned are encouraged to take the matter up with the appropriate service.
Particular attention must be paid to confidential documents which relate to personnel and contract matters. Under no circumstances can such documents be stowed away in the Departmental archive space. Too many people have access to these areas that the appropriate level of confidentiality can be assured (See Administrative Circulaire no 10). The personnel files are in the realm of the Human Resources Department. Contract documentation should be stored only in Finance Department.
Computing Equipment Archive
We have a space to keep computing equipment that can be of historical value. If you think you have such item, before disposing of it, please contact Cath Noble