Technical Delivery


See section mandates for contacts.

IT-TD - Technical Delivery

IT-CA - Collaborative Applications

IT-CD - Compute & Devices

IT-CS - Communication Systems

IT-DA - Databases & Analytics

IT-FA - Fabric

IT-PW - Platforms & Workflows

IT-SD - Storage & Data Management

Conceptual structure of IT-TD

Image showing the conceptual structure of IT-TD

Click/tap here to enlarge

Group-Section Mandates


Group Leader: Dirk Duellmann

Deputy: Bernd Panzer-Steindel

Coordinate the activities in the Technical Delivery cluster of groups and the management of IT technical services. This includes the service provisioning, resource planning, optimisation and change management in accordance with Organization and user needs.

Coordonner les activités de toutes les groupes Technical Delivery et la gestion des services techniques informatiques. Cela comprend la fourniture de services, la planification des ressources, l'optimisation et la gestion des changements en fonction des besoins de l'Organisation et des utilisateurs.


Service Management

Section Leader: Natalie Kane

The section handles all Service Management activities in the IT Department and ensures ITIL implementation and overall operational responsibility for the CERN Service Management tool (currently ServiceNow) for all services across the whole of CERN.

La section gère toutes les activités de Gestion de Services au sein du département IT et assure la mise en œuvre des processus ITIL ainsi que la responsabilité opérationnelle globale de l'outil de gestion de services du CERN (actuellement ServiceNow) pour tous les services sur l'ensemble du CERN.





Group Leader: German Cancio Melia

Deputy: Jose Benito Gonzalez Lopez

The Collaborative Applications Group is responsible for delivering software and services enabling collaborative work. This includes open science and institutional repositories, digital library and preservation technology, event management solutions, e-mail and groupware services, video conferencing, webcast and recording, as well as engineering software.


Conferencing Technology

Section Leader: Pedro Ferreira

The Conferencing Technology section provides collaboration applications and services which are essential to the organization of physical, virtual and hybrid events at CERN. Those software products and services aim to provide:

  • Enterprise chat platform for CERN personnel and communities (Mattermost);
  • Event organization and management, through Indico, which powers CERN’s own event repository as well as smaller indico-based services such as Burotel, ILC Agenda, Indico @ PSI and Indico @ JACoW; as well as newdle, an enterprise event scheduling tool;
  • Transcoding of video files between formats, on-demand;
  • Transcription and Translation of speech audio into readable text, optimized for CERN’s complex technical vocabulary and accents;
  • Videoconferencing (Zoom) for CERN personnel and collaborations, including application support services such as the Central Encoder System (CES) and RAVEM;
  • Webcast and Recording of events inside and outside the organization;

The section also provides support and documentation to users of its services and software products.


Groupware and Engineering Services

Section Leader: Thomas Baron

The Groupware and Engineering Services section facilitates collective working and engineering tasks for CERN personnel. For this purpose, it provides its users with

  • A Groupware solution comprising an email service as well as management of personal calendar, contacts and tasks
  • An Engineering software service for applications in the areas of electronics design, mechanical design, mathematics and multiphysics simulation

The section is in charge of selecting, deploying, configuring, integrating, and operating the groupware solution. The section is in charge of the budget management, procurement, license management for the supported engineering applications, coordinates their packaging and installation and the provision of the necessary infrastructure by IT. It also provides support to users of the above services.


Institutional Repositories

Section Leader: Jose Benito Gonzalez Lopez

The Institutional Repositories (IR) section is in charge of designing, architecting, and operating several Institutional Repositories including their long-term preservation features. The section is responsible for:

  • CERN Document Server (CDS): CERN's institutional repository archiving all important documents and, in general, all digital objects, such as scientific documents, multimedia content, administration documents, and more. Its goal is to preserve the scientific and historical content of CERN.
  • CDS Videos: provides specific workflows for the archiving and dissemination of videos produced by the CERN community.
  • CERN Library Catalogue: enables to browse and loan books and other content available at CERN library.
  • Digital Memory project: project that covers 3 areas, digitisation of analogue material (e.g. tapes), providing long-term preservation solutions, and enabling support tools for the archival of individual’s documents.
  • CERN Open Data Portal: access point to a growing range of data produced through the research performed at CERN and beyond.


Open Science Repositories

Section Leader: Lars Holm Nielsen

The Open Science Repositories section provides repository technology and Open Science services for research data management and engages with non-HEP scientific communities. The section provides

  •, world’s largest general purpose research data repository enabling everyone to participate in Open Science by providing a simple-to-use platform for sharing and preserving research.
  • InvenioRDM, the underlying software platform for Zenodo and other digital repositories at CERN as well as an open source community with more than 25 international partners co-developing the platform.
  • Open Science project delivery for multiple projects funded by the European Commission, Sloan Foundation and Arcadia Foundation.





Group Leader: Eva Dafonte Perez

Deputy: Ignacio Coterillo Coz

The Database and Analytics Group is responsible for service delivery and evolution of databases, data stores, monitoring, messaging, streaming, analytics and data visualisation solutions for the different CERN communities.


Analytics, Streaming and Monitoring

Section Leader: Ignacio Coterillo Coz

The section provides Messaging, data Streaming, Monitoring platforms and services, and frontend analytics services for the different CERN communities to facilitate data collection, transport, manipulation, processing, interactive data analysis and central reporting solutions.

The section also provides support to the group services and activities in the External Clouds Service (Oracle Cloud).


Database Services

Section Leader: Miroslav Potocky

This section provides database instances, instance management, administration and troubleshooting for several types of relational database software.

This service operates on several involvement levels ranging from fully administered, enterprise vendor supported DB instances to on-demand instances empowering users to perform administrative and troubleshooting task on their own while deployment, backup & recovery and upgrade/patching is provided automatically.


Data Stores

Section Leader: Pedro Andrade

The section is responsible for providing different types of data store services (file stores, document stores) for the entire CERN community. The following services are currently available to users: OpenSearch, Hadoop, HDFS and HBase. The section also runs the NetApp storage service.



Group Leader: Eric Grancher

Deputy: Aleksandra Wardzinska

The IT Platforms and Workflows group provides tools and services for all CERN and HEP user communities:

  • Platforms for reproducible analysis workflows
  • Identity and access management, including computing resource lifecycles
  • platforms for developers: version control, container management and machine learning tools, including access through notebooks
  • Web services hosting solutions
  • Authoring tools
  • Platform for managed application deployments (engineering and administrative applications)


Applications and Reusable Workflows

Section Leader: Artur Wiecek

REANA is a reusable and reproducible research data analysis platform. It allows researchers to structure information about input data, analysis code, containerised environments and computational workflows so that data analyses can be instantiated and executed on remote compute clouds. REANA supports several declarative workflow systems (CWL, Snakemake, Yadage), container technologies (Docker, Singularity) and compute backends (Kubernetes, HTCondor, Slurm). REANA was born with the use case of particle physics data analyses in mind and profits from synergies with computational reproducibility in astronomy, life sciences and other scientific disciplines. REANA complements data preservation repositories in view of facilitating data analysis reuse and reinterpretation even several years after original publication.

Platform for deployment of engineering and administrative applications provides:

  • hosting for third party business-critical applications in the area of finance, payroll, HR and logistics. Helping with the integration of these systems in the CERN environment.
  • Kubernetes based service (Jeedy), used mainly for the deployment of CERN developed Java applications. It is a complete solution built to support specific requirements of developers in FAP and EN. It hosts applications like EDH or EDMS.


Identity and Access Management

Section Leader: Paolo Tedesco

Identity and Access Management provides:

  • Centralised authentication and authorisation for web applications, for CERN account holders as well as federated and external users. Web applications may be hosted locally at CERN, at partner organisations or in the cloud.
  • Users grouping functionalities for authorisation and mailing
  • Lifecycle management for computing resources, including computing accounts, applications and groups
  • Digital certificates management (Certification Authorities)


Platforms Infrastructure

Section Leader: Ricardo Rocha

Platforms Infrastructure provides:

  • container orchestration platform (Kubernetes)
  • platforms for deployment, hosting and operation of applications and third-party tools (OpenShift)
  • platform for machine learning workflows (Kubeflow)
  • platform for issue tracking (Jira)
  • Web Services Portal


Web and Authoring

Section Leader: Aleksandra Wardzinska

The Web and Authoring section provides tools and platforms for authoring, collaborating and publishing information on the Web.

These include the central Web hosting services, Online Collaboration tools (Overleaf, SharePoint, TWiki, CodiMD), Web content management systems (Drupal), Publishing services (E-publishing - OJS), static documentation sites, Search as a Service to support information access for large applications (Indico, EDMS) and the global CERN Search engine, as well as Source Code management (Gitlab).





Group Leader: Tony Cass

Deputy: Aurelie Pascal

The Communication Systems Group is responsible for CERN-wide networking, telephony and radio services. These include

  • the site-wide campus network, including Wi-Fi coverage and support for eduroam,
  • the high-performance data centre network and high-bandwidth connections to the worldwide physics community,
  • the dedicated technical network supporting accelerator operations and control networks for experiments,
  • the CERN Internet eXchange Point, CIXP,
  • CERN’s fixed and mobile telephony services including the CERNphone clients,
  • the TETRA digital radio service for the Fire Brigade and site guards, and
  • support for IoT devices including a LoRaWAN infrastructure.


Communication Tools

Section Leader: Marwan Khelif

The Communication Tools section develops and maintains the software tools that underpin the operation of CERN’s network and telephony services, most notably the central networking database, LanDB, and the network portal that allows users to register their networking devices.


Deployment & Operations

Section Leader: John Shade

The Deployment and Operations section is responsible for the day-to-day operation of CERN’s networking and telecommunications infrastructure, responding to user queries and intervening to address any temporary problems. The section also deploys new infrastructure as necessary to support CERN’s needs, for example the extension of the network and telephony infrastructure to the newly constructed HL-LHC tunnels.


Network Engineering

Section Leader: David Gutierrez Rueda

The Communication Engineering section is responsible for the planning, deployment and operation of CERN’s internal networking infrastructures---the sitewide campus network and Wi-fi infrastructure, the data centre network, CERN’s external network connections, the high-speed links to the LHC and other experiments, control networks for the experiments and the dedicated technical network that supports accelerator operations. The section also supports the many essential network services such as DNS, DHCP, NTP, eduroam and the firewall.


Telecoms & Radio

Section Leader: Rodrigo Sierra Moral

The Telephony and Radio section supports CERN’s fixed-line and mobile telephony services, the TETRA digital radio service for the Fire Brigade and the LoRaWAN infrastructure to support low power IoT devices. The section is also responsible for the development and maintenance of the CERNphone softphone client for Windows, MacOS and Linux deskops/laptops as well as Android and iOS mobile phones.



Group Leader: Jakub Moscicki

Deputy: Oliver Keeble

Ensure coherent design, development, operation and evolution of storage and data management services at CERN for all aspects of physics, user and project data and general needs of the Laboratory.


General Storage Services

Section Leader: Oliver Keeble

Design, develop, operate and support storage services for all user groups, projects, and the Organization’s infrastructure.



Physics Data Services

Section Leader: Luca Mascetti

Design, develop, operate and support storage and data transfer services for physics data.

Main services: EOS development and operation of all physics instances, FTS development and operation


Tape, Archives and Backups

Section Leader: Michael Davis

Design, develop, operate and support the archival storage service for physics data and the backup service.

Main services: CERN Tape Archive (CTA), Backup and Restore Service



Group Leader: Arne Wiebalck

Deputy: Michal Kwiatek

The IT-CD group operates, maintains and supports the scientific computing services needed by the laboratory and its experiments, including the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid. The group runs end-users desktop and mobile services and supports the Windows, macOS and Linux operating systems as well as operating systems of mobile phones (iOS and Android). The group also licenses, deploys and configure core productivity applications for Windows and macOS including Microsoft Office across CERN. Finally the group provides interactive terminal services for both window and Linux users together with batch farms for physics analysis.


Compute and Configuration

Section Leader: Ben Dylan Jones

Provide a first-class set of scientific computing services to deliver the diverse development and large-scale compute requirements of the Organisation and the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid. Provide efficient service configuration and operational support tools to ensure the Organisation’s IT services can meet the coming challenges at the LHC scale.


Cloud and Linux Infrastructure

Section Leader: Alejandro Iribarren

Via cloud interfaces, IT-CD-CLI provides, operates, maintains and supports dynamic and efficient provisioning of virtual and physical compute resources for users, groups, departments and the experiments. The section equally provides support for the deployment and operation of CentOS and RedHat Linux on servers and managed desktops, including the development and customization of standard distributions.


Device Provisioning and Productivity

Section Leader: Michal Kwiatek

IT-CD-DPP supports Windows and macOS users, manages over 10000 Windows devices and provides Windows and macOS expertise, application deployment and configuration management tools for local administrators across CERN, as well as core productivity applications for Windows and macOS including Microsoft Office and antivirus. We also provide Windows terminal services and the underlying server infrastructure for device management and core applications. We aspire to facilitate coherent use of core applications from any device and to gradually expand iOS and Android support.


Fabric Layer



Group Leader: Wayne Salter

Deputy: Eric Bonfillou

The Fabric (FA) group procures, manages and operates the layer providing IT equipment for the CERN experiments and users community, the Data Centres and associated Computing Facilities, as well as the site-wide IT managed conference rooms.


Hardware Commissioning and Tools

Section Leader: Jarek Polok

Lifecycle management of the computing equipment for the Data Centres and associated Computing Facilities. Development and support of the associated software applications and the integration with existing facilities monitoring systems.


Hardware Procurement and Support

Section Leader: Eric Bonfillou

Procurement and support of enterprise computing equipment for the Data Centres and associated Computing Facilities. Site wide procurement of AV and desktop computing equipment.


Infrastructure and Operations

Section Leader: Olof Bärring

Operations and support of the Data Centres and associated Computing Facilities, site-wide IT managed conference rooms and printing infrastructure. Coordinate and evolve the role of the IT infrastructure within the CERN technical infrastructure and Control Centre Operators.