01.01.2024 - Egencia tool available as of 1 January 2024 (see Bulletin)
23.01.2024 - New recommendations for making environmentally responsible travel choices (Bulletin)
01.03.2024 - Out-of-policy hotel bookings must be approved by DH before travel
As soon as you know of a travel you will have to make on CERN business, you need to fill in the EDH Travel form (TRVL).
Once your travel request has been approved by your Group Leader and the budget holder, you should:
- mark your absence in EDH
- update your profile in the Online Booking Tool (OBT) on the Egencia website, or mobile app
- and book your flights, trains and/or rental cars (at destination) directly on the Egencia website or mobile app (e-learning available here)
Important note: The transport must be booked by CERN (via Egencia).
As of 01.01.24, hotel booking becomes available in the OBT.
Public transport or the CERN Airport Shuttle must be used whenever possible. The use of taxi should be limited to duly justified cases (no suitable public transport, bulky equipment to carry, strenuous travel conditions). If taxi transfer to Geneva airport is necessary, please note that you should park at CERN; the secretariat will order a taxi voucher for you prior to departure.
The roles and responsibilities of the traveller, travel arranger, travel manager, travel coordinator, group leader, and budget holder are detailed on the page of the Duty Travel Coordination.
When travelling to the USA, please remember to take your UNIQA card with you. More information available on the CHIS pages.
If you need a visa to travel to Russia, please follow the admin eGuide procedure.
Assistance before and during an official travel:
CERN has partnered with a specialized travel assistance company, International SOS (ISOS), to provide medical and security assistance to its members of personnel traveling for official purposes. You can find the details of their services and practical information on the corresponding admin eGuide page.
In case your trip is cancelled but expenses were already incurred and cannot be refunded (transport, registration, etc.), please do not reject or cancel the EDH TRVL. When the document returns to you, please contact the IT Secretariat for instructions.
When you return from your trip, you will receive a notification from EDH to confirm your itinerary. Please note that all the questions need to be answered carefully: itinerary, meals, hotel nights and other expenses, etc. The accommodation must be reserved on your own, you are requested to attach a scan of your hotel bill to your Travel request.
NB: The same rules apply for lecturers invited by CERN. See "Reimbursement formalities" for additional information.
Private stay / Personal choices
"If travellers plan to add a private stay to their duty travel or to make their own travel arrangements (e.g. private vehicle) for private reasons, the Travel Arranger must search, prior to the travel, for a comparative lowest price public transport journey in the online booking tool or website, create a print screen of the price and attach it to the Demande de mission / Travel request (TRVL) form. Any additional expenses resulting from a personal choice have to be deducted from the final reimbursement under the section Other expenses by adding a negative position."