Learning and development is a responsibility shared by the Organization/the Department, its managers and each individual member of the Department. The current IT training policy is that members of the IT department are offered the training that is required for their work, as determined by the specifics of their work and as approved by their hierarchy, regardless of their employment status.
Depending on your role, job requirements and interests, different learning opportunities are available to you, some of which are mandatory. To make it easy for you, the list below shows the mandatory courses for your situation.
- For everyone
- For new staff members
- For supervisors of students, graduates & fellows (core programmes = mandatory)
- For supervisors of staff (core programmes = mandatory)
- For group leaders and deputy group leaders
In addition:
- For new graduates, IT department recommends following communication courses.
- The Chief Security Officer expects programmers, developers, service managers and architects to follow SecureFlag training on work-related subjects.
Note: it’s always a good idea to discuss your development goals with your supervisor before enrolling in a course.
CERN Learning Hub contains many courses from different areas. To facilitate personal development two Learning Paths have been introduced in the department ("sign-in" if you get access denied while accessing the files):
Depending on your individual situation, you can place yourself on one or both Learning Paths and – through an informed discussion with your supervisor – consciously plan your development. The overlap between the two paths is intentional: we want our Leaders to remain Experts in their domain and our Experts to be the Leaders of tomorrow. And it all starts with self-leadership.
These Learning Paths are aspirational, subject to the requirements of our job, the needs of the Department and available budget.
Other Learning and Development resources:
For any question, comment or request for advice, please contact the Departmental Training Officer (DTO) at IT-DTO@cern.ch.