Oracle StorageTek T10000T2 cartridge has total capacity of 5 TB. It is actually manufactured by Fuji Film, uses Barium Ferrite (BaFe) particles technology data store, but is also equipped with RFID chip. There is over 1 km of tape inside of the cartridge with 3584 data tracks and it supports over 25000 load/unload cycles. The archival life is estimated to be around 30 years and uncorrected bit error rate is 10-19. CERN however usually migrates data to newer technologies roughly every 5 years in order to keep the footprint under control.
See also:
Oracle StorageTek T10000C tape drive uses Oracle StorageTek T10000T2 tape cartridge and can read or write at speeds of up to 250 MB/s. In contrast to a disk drive (which is a random access device) a tape drive is a streaming device. This model takes on average ~50 seconds to locate to a file, but once ready, it can stream the data relatively fast. Currently (2013), we have 40 of such tape drives in production (connected using fibre channel technology) serving over 35000 Oracle T10000 family tapes.
These square-shape cartridges can hold up to 5TB, the equivalent of 1100 DVDs.
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