1 New Internal Mobility in IT-CDA
Windows DevOps Engineer (IT-CDA-AD)
There are 10000 managed Windows end-user devices at CERN. 8500 of them are centrally-managed by the Applications & Devices Section, some using security-hardened configurations. 1500 are managed locally by engineers in CERN Experiments and control systems. In addition, an estimated number of 2000 Windows devices are self-managed individually by their users.
In the future, the number of strongly-managed devices will decrease and support for self-managed devices will expand. In line with this, Applications & Devices Section is currently developing CERN Appstore, which will combine a web-based catalogue of recommended applications with a community-supported package manager such as Chocolatey and a reporting capability.
As Windows DevOps Engineer, you will:
- Share responsibility for the centrally-managed Windows device park: its stability, security and evolution,
- Provide configurations for and advise local administrators,
- Develop and communicate strategy for end-user device support,
- Leverage CERN Appstore for users of self-managed devices, drive its evolution and promote adoption,
- Manage Windows OS lifecycle,
- Manage application lifecycle for commercial applications (analyse use cases, identify tools, automate installation, provide user support, manage migrations and decommissioning),
- Develop Windows Toolkit for self-service administration of the Windows park.
The required experience for this post is:
- Knowledge of programming techniques and languages: C#, PowerShell, Node.js, React, PostgreSQL.
- Administration of computing systems: Windows
- Knowledge of operating systems: Windows, macOS, iOS, Android and Linux;
- Knowledge of system configuration tools: SCCM, Intune, Puppet or Ansible