1 New Internal Mobility Opportunity (IT-DI)
Post date
04 Mar 2019
Type of notice
Internal Mobility
Computing Engineer (Grade 6 or 7) in the IT department, DI group. You will be part of the CERN Computer Security Team (https://cern.ch/security), which is mandated to secure and protect all aspects of the computing infrastructure of CERN as well as its operations and reputation against any kind of cyber-threats, and take over an active role in managing, maintaining, and improving CERN’s Security Operations Centre (SOC). You will be involved in:
- Improving the SOC currently running on CERN’s IT department’s central computing facilities (e.g. Elastic Search, HDFS, Kafka, Flume, Puppet, CentOS, etc.), adding further sources of security-relevant data, and programming interfaces automatically informing end-users of potential security problems;
- Contribute and manage a series of computer security projects (e.g. Windows AV/EDR/hardening, firewall appliances, SPAM & malware filtering, control system & IoT security, storage of secrets) relevant for a better protection of the Organization as well as providing advice and consultancy in matters of computer security;
- Participate in the CERN CERT (Computer Emergency Response Team) and autonomously and independently handle computer security incidents as well as provide forensics capabilities within CERN but also happening at remote sites associated with the so-called Worldwide LHC computing grid, the high-energy physics community, or collaborating institutes and universities;
- Possibly supervising team members on short-term contracts.
The experience required for this post is:
- Demonstrated experience with the full-stack development of software projects, orchestration, and, service deployment, configuration management and operation;
- Profound knowledge in networking, operating systems, programming & software architecture, databases, and web architectures as well as the computer security measures to protect those;
- Proven expertise both on security operations (DFIR, threat intel) and security infrastructures design (SOC, EDR, big data solutions) as well as experience on computer, network or software security, and, preferably, as computer system administrator. Strong communication, presentation and collaboration-building skills are essential.
- Experience with user relations, user support, and user training.
Expiry date
Last modified
04 Mar 2019