ROLE - IT-Experiments Technical Coordination Chair and Secretary for ALICE, ATLAS, CMS, LHCb and SME/protoDUNE

Type of notice

We are looking for an IT Technical Coordination Chair and Secretary for each of the following Experiments: ALICE, ATLAS, CMS, LHCb, SME/protoDUNE. The role holders report to the Research and Computing Engagement Manager for the time they dedicate to the role and are appointed for two years. 

Time: 10%


  • Understand and follow the IT needs and requirements of the respective experiment in a proactive way
  • Continuously collect feedback from the experiment communities to promote a bi-directional synergy: tackling operational issues but also identify opportunities for joint activities and exchanges 
  • Ensure strategic IT technical information reaches the experiment communities in a timely manner
  • Identify in advance potential issues at an early stage and escalate to ensure follow-up, mitigation and fixing

Chair functions:

  • Maintain a good level of understanding of IT activities and services
  • Proactively build and maintain trust-based relationships with the experiment community 
  • Ensure that CERN-IT strategy and decisions are communicated to the experiment communities in a manner they can easily be understood
  • Proactively keep the relevant levels of CERN-IT hierarchy informed of IT-related concerns within the CERN user communities
  • Chair the coordination of technical meetings between IT department and its CERN user communities
  • Ensure the agenda of the meetings is well prepared in advance. Identify relevant topics from the experiment community and the IT department to be addressed and ensure the relevant experts, as needed, are present at the meeting

Secretary functions:

  • Get experience with the stakeholders and functions of IT Department and gain awareness of global IT needs for the broad CERN Experiments community
  • Take the notes of the meetings, keep the action list up to date; ensure the notes and the action list are stored and distributed shortly after the meeting
  • Agree on the meeting dates and venues. Reserve rooms, setup video conferencing (if needed), and help the chair with handling indico
  • Assistance to the Chair:  tasks and follow-up actions might be delegated to the Secretary 

We are looking for people with the following profile, demonstrated experience/skills:

  • A member of personnel with at least 2 or 3 years of membership
  • Willing and able to commit to this role for an initial duration of two years
  • Strong interpersonal skills, in particular:
    • Listening, empathy, tact and diplomacy
    • Build relationships based on trust and respect
    • Handle/defuse potentially conflicting situations
  • Ability to see beyond the surface of a problem to the root cause (technical or human)
  • Ability to succinctly summarise problems 
  • Ability to identify further engagement opportunities, thinking out of the box and building on areas of technical expertise

People are encouraged to discuss with their supervisor before expressing their interest.

Contact: Simone Campana, Xavier Espinal

For reference: IT Internal Selection Process for Part-Time Roles

Expiry date
Last modified
10 Jun 2024