ROLE - IT Representative at the Academic Training Committee
Post date
28 Sep 2022
Type of notice
Role of the Dept representative in the ATC (
- Identify themes, titles, abstracts and speakers for Academic Training lecture series that cover today's IT tendencies.
- Poll interest from the CERN community to enhance the list.
- Discuss and defend lectures' priorities with the members of the Applied Physics & Technology Working Group (WG) of the ATC.
- Respond to ATC questions during the meetings (maximum 4 per year) and offline. Decide priorities, negotiate the schedule.
- Find competent, acknowledged lecturers, negotiate lecturing method, inform them on CERN-allowed fees, identify dates, arrange CERN visit (if relevant).
- Sponsor the lectures s/he submitted, i.e. manage the content and time plan with the lecturer, cover organisational aspects (from indico event to publicity, attendance certificates, handling of questions, quality of the material and the recording).
- This role is NOT related to the Dept. DTO role.
- This is a job for 5% of a 40 hours/week worktime.
- The duration of the role should be for a minimum 3 years.
- The reporting line is directly to the WG chairperson for this role.
- It requires in depth knowledge of IT services, their technology evolution plans and their challenges.
- How to get inspired for items interesting for the IT, CERN and scientific community, in general:
- Take notes in conferences about topics in the forefront of the IT Technology.
- Register contact information for good lecturers.
- Read books that relate to this role as ATC representative and contact the authors.
- Ask the DTO about technical issues, of Academic level of complexity, the department needs to learn about.
- Inform yourself on the current needs and future trends in science & technology, especially those that match solutions relevant to CERN and Particle Physics as a whole.
- Important periods:
- In March-April to collect Titles/Abstracts (Ideally also think of good speakers and contact them if possible). Poll the Dept for items of preference.
- In May to discuss the list within the ATC WG.
- In June to decide priorities with the rest of the ATC members in the spring meeting, where the Academic Year's programme is decided. The decision is taken across Working Groups (WGs) for the top-10 most voted subjects.
- In the autumn to ensure the lecturer(s)' agreement and defining the lecturing period.
- Close to each series' dates to ensure the Indico and CDS information is accurate and the lecturer(s) bio, arrival, connection, fees are handled correctly.
- How to get inspired for items interesting for the IT, CERN and scientific community, in general:
Contact: Maria Dimou
Expiry date
Last modified
28 Sep 2022